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I have been taking my Beagles to this Valencia Animal Hospital for close to 2 years. I will continue to take my Beagles to this place because of the Excellent Veterinarian and Excellent Staff! They have always been "straight-up" with any problems my "Beaglets" have and don't have. My oldest Beagle acquired a cancer and required surgery which the Vet performed with perfection and my girl came home and healed quickly. However, this was the second cancer surgery on this Beagle, (first by this Vet). This Vet informed me it could return again and there is little she could do at their Hospital. She recommended another Vet that specializes in animal cancers and it was "my" choice to get the care for my Beagle. I took the recommendation/referral and my Beagle is doing very well with no signs of the cancer returning. If The Vet and Staff at Valencia Animal Hospital cannot help your pet, they have knowledge of Professionals in Tucson that can help your pet with the problem and refer you to these places.


I also lost a Beagle for an unknown reason and Valencia helped me with the disposal of the Beagle. When I brought in the body, the Vet and her Staff felt my pain and sadness and from my observation, felt much as I did...they care!


Later, I got another 4 month old Beagle puppy that came with, what seemed to be adequate vaccinations. However, my Beagle came from another State and although the vaccinations were certified by Lot Number, I decided to go with the Veterinarians recommendation to re-vaccinate to ensure the health of the puppy. Normal canine vaccinations are the "Least Expensive" costs in the care and health of your pet! My new Beagle also came with some other "passengers" in her intestine which Valencia Animal Hospital helped me eradicate. The test for these "passengers" was recommended by this Vet and I am glad the recommendation was presented.


I will continue to take my Beaglets to the Valencia Animal Hospital but my worry is, this Excellent Veterinarian and her Excellent Staff will move on to bigger and better, but if that happens, I hope they stay close enough for my Beaglets care!



9040 E. Valencia Road #118 Tucson, AZ 85747

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